Fear Does Not Rule

In the last couple of weeks we have been body slammed.  We went from going about our daily lives in our usual routine thinking all was well. We complained when we couldn’t get that certain brand of ice cream.  We griped when we HAD to leave the house for some reason or other.  

Then, one day, we were told the coronavirus was here and it was serious.  We were told that it was world altering.  Someone, somewhere, posted on Facebook that the world was coming to an end and we would have nothing.  Humans, in all their compassionate glory, rushed to the nearest store and bought……everything.  Humans bought out all rolls of toilet paper even though the virus is a respiratory illness.  Humans bought out all manner of food to hoard because, well..because.

What humans did NOT do was remember the entire universe does not revolve around them.  Humans did not remember their fellow man. Humans did not show compassion towards those who could not, or chose not, to hoard every item on the shelves no matter it’s significance.  Humans did not show compassion for those who could not afford to buy extra.  Humans did not show compassion for those who paid attention and KNEW that it was only necessary to be careful and that regular shopping was fine because there WAS NO SHORTAGE.  Humans panicked.  Humans followed the loudest voice no matter what it said. Humans were scared into acting stupidly.

Now, we are told we MUST stay at home and stay away from others because even if we do not personally show symptoms, we can very easily carry the virus and pass it along to someone more vulnerable.  We could pass it along to someone who might die from it.  Again, humans aren’t all listening.  Why?  Because these American humans tend to be self important. These American humans tend to think they are invincible and they tend to believe they can do as they please because “they know best”.  They do NOT know best.

Speaking as someone who is one of the more vulnerable, I am almost afraid to walk across to my mailbox some mornings for fear I will cross paths with someone who is a healthy carrier.  I am not one to be afraid, normally. I am not ever one to panic and I am not afraid of this virus as long as I remember who I am and what my level of vulnerability is.  What I am ‘afraid’ of is other humans who have absolutely NO concern for anyone else.  I am afraid of those people who believe they can go about their normal lives because it is “their right”.   But I also remember other things….

After the stock market crash in 1929, many people were thrown into poverty and despair. Many people lost everything.  The American people were reminded they must do without luxuries and care for one another. And they did.

In 1941, The United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor thus drawing us into WWII.  Even though there were occasions where stupid choices and decisions were made  {ie. actions against Japanese /Americans who had nothing at all to do with the situation}, this country came together.  There were paper drives and metal drives and savings bonds all for the benefit of the country as a whole.  People were reminded that they needed to stick together for the greater good. And they did.

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was killed. This turned the country upside down. No one had experienced this kind of shock and many did not know what to do.  But Americans came together. They leaned upon one another and grieved together and became a united country together.

In 2001, the twin towers in New York City were attacked and flattened.  Despite an immediate tendency and “need” to throw blame toward anyone who even remotely resembled or came from an area associated with those terrorists, the majority of Americans knew that our only hope was to come together. Our ONLY choice was to lean on one another and help one another through such a horrible time. And we did.

That was almost 19 years ago.  In those 19 years, we have a new generation who don’t remember 9/11.  We have an entire generation who have never had to face their own mortality or survival so they have been able to go through their lives without that sort of fear {Not withstanding those fine brave souls who fight for all of us}.   But now, we face a new trial.

Today we face a biological enemy.  It is not, on the whole, a deadly enemy-meaning it is not the black plague nor is it from  Stephen King’s THE STAND where only 1% of humanity will survive.  But it is serious.  This is a pandemic which could effect everyone it touches.  This is a virus which could kill those with weakened immunity and other issues.

This is ALSO a virus that can be controlled if we ALL do our part.  What they are now calling ‘Social Distancing’ is not that difficult.  What they call ‘sheltering in place’ is not that difficult.  What IS difficult is dealing with the loss of someone you love. What IS difficult is knowing  you could have been careful and not carried the virus to someone vulnerable. What IS difficult is being so stubborn and so arrogant that you believe you can still go about your life as always with no regard for anyone else. YOU CANNOT.

So.  In this time of need, we, as Americans-as humans-will do what must be done, as we always have. We will look out for our neighbors. We will show compassion for those who are less fortunate and we will make ALL sacrifices necessary so that this crisis passes with as little tragedy as possible. We will do this because we always have.

Even though we humans can be selfish, we also share this world.  In the end, however lame it might sound, we are one family and we can care for one another and show that our true human nature is in love and compassion.

We have done it throughout history. We will do it now.

Fear Does Not Rule Us.

About stanfordnl

I am a writer, plain and simple. I write everything from fiction to essays and back again. I have published the first two books in my series Letters To Sarah, which are available on Amazon and can be ordered through your favorite bookseller. Book Three is in progress and expected for release soon. Stay tuned! My guiding force in this universe is nature, plain and simple. I have two guiding principles~1. treat every single living creature with respect and 2. Be Kind. It truly is that simple and that complicated. I welcome and strongly request comments on my posts. Constructive criticism is a must for writers. and finally, I WILL NOT TOLERATE NEGATIVE, MEAN SPIRITED COMMENTS OR BEHAVIOR ON MY PAGE. My friends~~ just be kind.
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1 Response to Fear Does Not Rule

  1. Hettie D. says:

    Very well said!

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